
The Type1 Treataholic

A frank and honest account of a Type 1 Diabetic with a brownie addiction trying to get off of the sweet stuff.


low GI


I am most definitely not a perfect example...

Low-Carb Comfort Food

It is raining and I have had a boring weekend of cleaning the house, walking the dogs in the rain and mud, and subsequently re-creating the house. I'm bored, tired and all I want is a bourbon. Well, let's face... Continue Reading →

Eggs Rule The World

Eggs are super useful. Particularly when trying to replace carbohydrates (or a carb majority diet) with protein. Protein is known to keep us fuller for longer, and not only does it mean our waistlines shrink, replacing some carbs with protein... Continue Reading →

Butternut Squash Soup

My simple and easy Butternut Squash Soup recipe, perfect for work lunches.

Boring Breakfast #1

Sustaining Porridge Oats.... snore.

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